"Transparency is seen as the antidote to corruption because secrecy is, if not its cause, then a necessary precondition." - American Journalist Heather Brooke

About Us
Rise Up. Speak Up. Join Up.
"Adoption's subterranean existence in the past made it nearly impossible to see what what going on, much less think about how to improve anything."
- Pulitzer nominee Adam Pertman in Adoption Nation
We offer:
advocacy training and resources
legislative analysis
targeted talking points and fundraising assistance
research-based policy recommendations
webinars and digital meetings
in order to change unjust laws, promote best practices and maximize healthier outcomes in relinquishment, adoption and foster youth.
The idea behind the Coalition for Truth and Transparency in Adoption was inspired by the following guiding principles:
State-by-state legislation requires flexible strategies and solutions. Multiple paths can lead to the top of the mountain.
Local advocates and constituents with firsthand knowledge of behind-the-scenes facts and political dynamics are vital expert resources.
Good bills with dedicated sponsors and passionate grass roots advocates have too often encountered better-funded opponents employing an in-house lobbyist or influential government relations firm.
Advocating for Truth and Transparency in Adoption means expanding our vision beyond the basic priority of records access for adult adoptees.
Join us and learn more about how to maximize your impact for good.
Meet the CTTA Board and Advisory Council