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Donate to CTTA Today

As a 501(c)(4) organization, 100% of your donation can be used to fund advocacy and lobbying efforts, support our initiatives and cover operating expenses. Therefore, unlike a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, donations are not tax-deductible.   


Entrenched interests who support secrecy and shame in relinquishment, adoption and foster care have demonstrated their willingness to devote substantial resources to maintain the status quo and keep things the way they are.   

Your generosity toward this vital cause will move us one step closer to the mountaintop, and help to change thousands of lives. If you are, or if you care about someone who "gets it," please consider an ongoing or one-time donation in any amount and encourage others to do the same. Thank you!

Mail a check to:


P O Box 24556

Denver, CO 80224


Or click the secure links below to direct your contribution to the campaign(s) you want to support.



Tourist on Top of the Mountain

Thank You for Supporting CTTA!

Your Generosity Can Change Lives

Not everyone can spend days or weeks at their state capital.  We connect with people who do.

As more allies, benefactors, influencers and learners who believe in our cause do what you can, when you can, we increase our impact while sharing the load. Together, we can do this!

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P.O. Box 24556
Denver, CO 80224

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