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Laws and Legislation

Image by Melanie Hughes
Image by Alejandro Barba


Enacted or Current Federal Legislation

Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024

This bill closes a loophole that has resulted in deportation of some international adoptees, and provides for the automatic acquisition of citizenship.


Foster Youth Legislation

Searchable database of related federal legislation.

Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978

The Congress hereby declares that it is the policy of this Nation to protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families...

Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000

Requires the Department of State, through the Secretary of State, to serve as the central authority of the United States with respect to implementation of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption done at the Hague on May 29, 1993.

Accuracy for Adoptees Act (2014)

An Act to require Certificates of Citizenship and other federal documents to reflect name and date of birth determinations made by a State court and for other purposes.

Current and Past Adoption-related Bills

Searchable database of related federal legislation.


In 2000, AL became the fourth state after TN, OR and DE to repeal its 1990 law denying adult adoptees access to records upon request, and replaced it with a statute that includes an option for a birth parent to complete a Contact Preference Form and Medical History Statement.


Has always provided original birth certificates to adult adoptees upon request and proof of identification.


Three bills introduced and assigned to committee. Would supersede a "sandwich" bill that was amended by opponents to provide OBC access for prospective and pre-1968 adoptions. Order a pre-1968 OBC here



A 2017 AR bill provided access to the adoption file for adoptees age 21 and up, subject to a birth parent redaction option.  Click here to learn more about how the statute works.


This bill as introduced would have  authorized an adopted person 18 years of age or older, the adopted person’s direct line descendants if the adopted person is deceased, or their lawful representatives - subject to birthparent non-disclosure preference which must be filed within 30 days of notice -  to obtain the adopted person’s original long-form birth certificate upon filing a verified petition with the superior court in the adopted person’s county of residence or in the county granting the order of adoption. Amended and approved unanimously by Assembly Judiciary committee 4/18/23. Referred to Committee on Health, where it was withdrawn by the sponsor. An alternative bill from a different sponsor is anticipated. 


Landmark prospective legislation that removes gamete "donor" anonymity and provides other protections for donor-conceived persons starting in 2025.  Signed by governor 5/31/22.

SB 14-051

Provided full prospective and retrospective access to certain adoption records to adult adoptees, their descendants, and certain other family members in 2014, following decades of incremental changes. Birth/first parents have the option to complete a Contact Preference Form.

Records are accessible from three sources: 

1. Click here to learn how to order an original birth certificate.

2. Click here to access court form JDF 532 and order additional adoption records as defined in statute. 

3. Click here to request records of closed agencies now in the possession of CDHS. 


HB 14-1042

Provided birth/first parents access to copies of records they signed during the relinquishment process.

HB 15-1355

Provided former wards of the state with information about siblings separated by relinquishment and adoption. 




Repealed the state's previous "sandwich" law, provides access to OBCs for adult adoptees, regardless of when the adoption took place. Click here for instructions about how to order a CT original birth certificate.


This 1998 bill changed Delaware law to allow adult adoptees, age 21 and over to obtain a non-certified copy of their original birth certificate, subject to a birthparent nondisclosure request/renewal within the most recent three year period. Click here  for instructions and request form.


Filed by Rep. Casello and assigned to committees. No further action. 

Click here to learn more about Florida's legislative and case law history.


Would provide adult adoptees and descendants of deceased adoptees direct access to original birth certificate. Approved without testimony by Judiciary committee. Approved by Senate in 2023, failed to advance in House.  Recommitted in 2024. 


In 2016, HI repealed its statute which provided  birth/first parents with the opportunity to file a confidentiality request affidavit, and replaced it with "unfettered access" for  adults adopted in HI.  For details on how to apply via Family Courts, click here


Prospective records access bill applying to adoptions finalized on and after July1, 2022. Shifts presumption of the law so that adoptees age 18 and older will have access to the OBC. Birth/first parents have the option to complete a Contact Preference/Name Redaction form. Signed by governor 3/28/22.


In 2011, IL provided adult adoptees (age 21 or older), birth parents, and descendants access to OBCs. Birth parents have the option to provide medical history or decline release of identifying information, with no guarantee that such information has not been released after  11/15/2011.


SB 91

This 2016 measure, signed by then-Governor Mike Pence, provided increased access to records for adoptees adopted between 1941-1994. Post-1994 adoptees already had access.  The bill took effect in 2018, following a wait period in which a birth parent could file a Contact Preference/Disclosure Form. Click here for more details.


Provides access to adult adoptees and descendants, if the adoptee is deceased. Signed into law 5/19/21. Click here to learn how to order an OBC from the Iowa Department of Public Health. Birth/first parents have the option to complete a Contact Preference Form, including the option to request name redaction.


Section 59-2122

Kansas has always provided adult adoptees with direct access to their OBC upon request and proof of identification.




Would allow the child, grandchild, sibling of a deceased adoptee or deceased birthparents to inspect adoption records and papers held by the court.  Amended on House floor to require that both birth parents must be deceased.  Approved 92-1 by House. 


Repeals 1977 statute and restores direct access to original birth certificate for adult adoptees. Birth/first parents will have the option to file a Contact Preference Form. Signed by governor 6/20/22 to become Act 470.


In 2008 Maine restored adult adoptee access to their OBC. Birth/first parents have the option to complete a Contact Preference Form and Medical History Form.


An Act granting equal access to original birth certificates to all persons born in Massachusetts. Repeals "sandwich"law in favor of unfettered direct access for adult adoptees. Signed by Gov. Baker.


These two tie-bar bills would provide adult adoptees and descendants with direct access to unredacted original birth certificates,  as well as certain information contained in the Central Adoption Registry subject to certain limitations. Creates a contact preference form. Approved by the House 99-8 on Third Reading 11/9/23 and referred to Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety.


Adult adoptee governing provisions modified relating to accessing original birth records and other adoption-related information. Amended and passed by Judiciary committee. Re-referred to HHS committee for consideration under budget bill SF2995.  Signed by governor 5/24/23.

Information about how to apply for original birth certificates on or after 7/1/24 is available here. 


Amended in committee and approved by the Senate 2/2/23 (41-11), was gutted, amended and passed in the House (108-3), later died in Conference Committee when the Senate refused to concur with the changes.


In 2016, adult adoptees and their descendants gained increased access to original birth certificates without a court order. A birth parent has the option to file a Contact Preference Form and Medical History Statement. The form states that a birth parent may still be contacted, regardless of nondisclosure preference. A 2011 bill, SB 351, had previously  increased access to other adoption records. Click here for more details.


Section 42-6-109

Hybrid "sandwich" law.  Provides OBC access to persons adopted before 10/1/85, or age 30 or older. For persons adopted on or after 10/1/97, OBC is available upon request at age 18, subject to birth parent nondisclosure request. OBC is available to adopted persons seeking to become enrolled in an Indian tribe.

New Hampshire

NH restored access to the OBC for adult adoptees in 2005. The statute provides birth/first parents the option to complete a non-binding Contact Preference Form.

New Jersey

P.L. 2014, C.g

NJ changed its law in 2014, and began releasing records to adult adoptees in 2017, after a period in which birth/first parents were allowed to file a contact preference/disclosure form. Click here for more details.

New York

Provides prospective and retrospective access to the OBC for adult adoptees upon request and proof of identification. Signed by governor 11/14/19.  Click here to order a NY OBC.


In 2013, OH repealed a 1964 statute that had prospectively sealed records from adult adoptees.  The measure, which allows some birth parents to request non-disclosure of identifying information, based on the date of the adoption, went into full effect in 2015. Click here for more details.


Measure 58

In 1998, OR voters made it the second state to provide adoptees (age 21 or older) with prospective and retrospective access to original birth certificates, culminating in a 2000 State Court of Appeals ruling. A Contact Preference Form was later added by the state legislature.


In 2013, OR expanded records access for adult adoptees to lower the age of access from 21 to 18, and  include the adoption file, except the Home Study, which became available via court order. It also provided birth/first parents with copies of documents they signed upon request, rather than court order.


Act 127

This 2017 bill repealed a 1984 law that sealed records from adult adoptees. Birth parents have the option to complete a Contact Preference/Nondisclosure and Medical History Form. High school graduates over age 18 are eligible to receive a limited summary of information contained in the OBC.


SB 736  - Introduced 6/6/23.  Would repeal provisions in the 2017 law that require high school graduation,  provide for a redaction request form, and would require release of the actual OBC rather than a document "similar in form."  

Rhode Island

Lowers required age for OBC access from 25 to 18. Signed by governor 7/8/21. RI made OBCs available to adoptees age 25 and older upon request in 2011. Birth/first parents may file a Contact Preference Form. Click here for more details. 

South Carolina

A retrospective bill to allow adult adoptees access to original birth certificates under certain circumstances, similar to prospective mutual consent bill H3775, signed by governor 5/7/18.

South Dakota

Revise certain provisions related to the sealing of adoption records. Approved nearly unanimously by House and Senate.


TN was the first state to restore access to records for adult adoptees in 1996, culminating in a State Supreme Court ruling. This bill removes the contact veto registry and the advance notice registry and makes other related changes to adoptions records, as described. Signed by governor 4/7/21.


Provides the OBC to an adult adoptee upon request. If the adoptee is deceased, certain family members and descendants would also have access. Prime sponsor is adoptive parent Rep. Cody Harris.


Effective November 2021, Utah no longer requires a court order for an adoptee to obtain a non-certified copy of the OBC if a birth parent consents or is deceased. Get more details here.


Divides conditions of access to identifying information via the state registry into pre- and post-1986 adoptions. Signed by governor 5/3/22. Birth/first parents have the option to file a Contact Preference Form, and until 7/1/23 may file a request for nondisclosure of identifying information.  Starting 7/1/23, adult adoptees have "unrestricted access" to their OBC via Vital Records, regardless of when the adoption took place.


Passed by House 66Y - 32N 1/29/24 with bipartisan support.  


In 2013, WA state amended its statute to provide adult adoptees with access to their OBC upon request, subject to a birth parent nondisclosure request, which expires upon the death of the birth parent. A birth parent may receive a copy of the OBC, and  may also file a Contact Preference Form and updated Medical History Statement.

West Virginia

Introduced and assigned to committee. Relating to making adoption records accessible for medical
purposes; authorizing adult adoptees access to certain records, including adoption records
and medical history; requiring birth parents to provide certain health information; allowing
birth parents to designate a contact preference and allowing them to provide certain
information; allowing birth parents to request name redaction; providing for a name
redacting process;


Introduced and assigned to committees.


Relating to: access to a deceased adoptee's original birth certificate and information about birth parents by an adult child of the adoptee.  Signed by governor 3/4/22.

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